Well, the votes are in at Station Campus and the big winner is Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. 174 students voted for their favorite Rebecca Caudill book for 2009. Lightning Thief is the story of Percy Jackson who finds out that his father isn’t mortal and it goes a long way to explain why Percy gets into trouble when he is around water. Percy goes to
Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer came in a close second. Miranda and her family’s life is changed forever when an asteroid hits the moon and pushes the moon closer to the Earth, causing shifts in the tides, earthquakes and volcanos. This book will make you feel cold, hungry and very alone. The students have enjoyed sharing this book. Ask and they will share it with you.
This year's list contained some very entertaining and powerful books. Go to the library, ask for the list, and share some wonderful stories. I'm looking forward to next year's list.
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