Lunch with Harriet Tubman, Louisa May Alcott and an earnest farmer who braved the perils of the Civil War. That's what my day was like on Friday. I was so moved by these wonderful re-enactors' portrayals. Harriet's beautiful contralto gave us the marvelous spirituals and moving
Follow the Drinking Gourd. Louisa told of her role as a nurse during the terrible days in the makeshift hospitals. Our farmer friend told of how terrible it was for the citizens and all that they endured. I was so proud of our students and how respectful they were during the presentations.
It was an exciting day at Station with cannons going off, infantry out back and a cotillion ball in the gym. Huck Finn was seen doing the Virginia Reel with a lovely Southern belle, while Abe Lincoln hoofed it with a sweet Becky Thatcher. All in all it was a satisfying day!
I think it's cool that we get to do this. It was awesome to watch everybody in costume. I wasn't so comfortable dancing with a girl. It was my time doing it. I liked Harriet Tubman and the cannon the best.
I liked Harriet Tubman too. She had a truly amazing voice, didn't she? very hypnotic.
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