Monday, April 27, 2009

Mythology Bee Winner

Congratulations to Kate S. for winning the Percy Jackson Mythology Bee. It was a hard fought battle and all the contestants stayed after the Bee was over to continue to answer questions not used in the Bee. They wanted to make it even harder by not giving the multiple choice answers. I do take offense to one question because it asked about a Greek monster and one of the choices was a teacher or librarian! Come on, guys. Monster? I'm not even a shushing librarian. . .

The kids and I had a wonderful trading questions and answers and they were all good sports as they cheered each other on. They even let a boy back into the competition after they all agreed the wording of the question was misleading. I'm all proud of you.

Kate, you have an opportunity to win a trip for you and 3 others to go to the Greek Islands with author Rick Riordan and his family, or a trip to Camp Half-Blood in Austin, Texas for a week, or an autographed set of Percy Jackson books! Good luck on winning the grand prize. Can you adopt me into your family so I can go along?

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