Station, you made me proud as you peppered David Lubar, author of Hidden Talents and True Talents, as well as the best selling short-story series, Weenies, and Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie with questions about his inspiration, aspirations and frustrations.
To prepare for Mr. Lubar’s visit , all of you had listened to Hidden Talents and read True Talents over the summer. Our PTO generously purchased a copy of the author’s book True Talents for all of us as well as provided the funds for Mr. Lubar to visit us.
Yesterday when Mr. Lubar arrived for 3 assemblies, we sure weren’t disappointed. Lubar engaged us in writing exercises to fire our brains, inspiring us to brainstorm words, engage in word play and develop “what if. . .” ideas and write them down to capture our imagination. Mr. Lubar told us stories and developed short stories with us from these brainstorming sessions. Students shared their ideas at the mike. Mr. Lubar’s love of words gave us insight into his unique brand of humor on topics from robotic lawn-mowing neighbors to things that go bump in the night.
We were treated not only to the assembly, but a day of activities relating to Mr. Lubar’s work. The staff had us do short story writing exercises, prepare art pieces with symbolism for the characters, and play games answering questions about the characters. We wrote our opinions, impressions and illustrations on graffiti walls in each wing of the building. Mr. Lubar spent the rest of the day eating lunch with selected students, working with small groups and dropping in and out of classes to listen to students’ works and discussions.
All in all, it was a most exciting and fulfilling day. Personally, I felt like I was trying to keep up with the Energizer Bunny because Mr. Lubar had so much energy. It was a joyful day for me.